How To Use Format Function With Order By Clause On Multiple Columns In Descending & Ascending Order

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we want to learn how to use Sum with Order By Clause on multiple columns in ascending and descending order. Let’s get started

In the caption below, we want to retrieve Region, Country and Item Type. Furthermore, we want to apply $ currency formatting to the expected Total Revenue and Group By Region, Country and Item Type in Descending, Ascending and Descending Order respectively

Execute the query:

select Region, Country, [Item Type],format([Unit Price] * [Units Sold], ‘c’) as

[Total Revenue] from [Unique 1M Data] order by Region desc, Country asc,[Item Type] desc

From the caption below, we can see Region, Country, Item Type and the calculated value for Total Revenue formatted in $ grouped by Region, Country and Item Type in Descending, Ascending and Descending Order respectively



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