Office 356 Stocks Data Types: Retrieve Stocks Information

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Stocks Data Type to retrieve Stocks Information for different companies. Let’s get started.

The Stocks Data Type is available in Office 365 version and it is in the Data tab

In the caption below, we want to retrieve the following:

Industry, Market Capitalization, Employees and Headquarters

Select all the company’s names in column A

In the Data Types of the Data tab, click on Stocks

Note, connection to the internet is required to retrieve the desired data

In the above picture, we can see a small building icon left of the company’s name and another table icon to the right.

Click on the table icon and select Industry, Market Cap, Employees and Headquarters respectively

From the caption above, we have all the information about the company’s



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