Decomposition Tree Visual, AI & New Formatting in Power BI

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we want to see how to use the new Decomposition Tree visualization that debuts in November 2019 Power BI update. Let’s get started

Decomposition Tree allows user to visualize data across spectrum of dimensions. In a simpler term, the visual allows users to break down a group to see its individual categories and how they can be ranked according to a selected DAX measure. Dimension Tree is classified as Artificial Intelligence visualization capable of finding the next dimension to drill down into specific criteria

The Decomposition Tree is available in November 2019 update onward. Note, the Decomposition Tree visual is not available as part of other visualizations. To activate the Decomposition Tree & AI Insights, click here

For this example, I will be using the December 2019 Power BI new update. In the caption, I have the relationship view of the data we are going to use. I have one fact table and three-dimension tables (one is Date table)

Decomposition Tree Visual

The visual is located below the Slicer visual.

Click on the Decomposition Tree visual

Drag and drop Sum of Amount measure into the Analyze field

Drag and drop Product and Account Manager field into the Explain By field

In the caption below, we discovered that in the visualization of the report canvas, we can see Sum of Amount value with the + sign.

So, what we need to do is to click on the + sign and then click on High value.

In the caption below, we can see the value of each Product is displayed with the corresponding values. The Product with the highest value is the first on the tree Diary Products.

Assuming we want to see the values for each of the Account Manager by Beverages, click on the Beverages + sign to drill down. From the caption below, we can see that Yvonne Matthew has the highest Sales Amount followed by Natasha Love

In the caption below, we I click on Connor Rulibeth for instance, we had bold connecting lines between Sales of Amount and Beverages and Connor Rulibeth. This is a way of cross-filtering the decomposition tree visual

Tree Format

In the Tree of the Format, I selected Dense from the Density drop-down. This will shrink the Decomposition Tree on the report. Sparse will magnify the visual on the report. In addition, we can change the Primary and the Connecting lines colors; and the Connector type from Default to Round as seen in the captions below

Data Bars

Users can change the data bars Positive color, Background color and Scale to – Level maximum, Top node and Parent node

Enable AI Splits

Enabling AI Splits is in the Analyze of the Format. It shows AI options when choosing a column to drill down into. The AI Split in located on the left side of the Product and Account Manager with lightbulb icon. The Splits enables users to discover the high and low values in the data

Locking Levels

The Decomposition Tree visual allows user to lock one or more levels. When a level is locked, the level cannot be removed or changed until the lock is lifted. In the caption below, I locked both the Product and Account Manager levels


The Decomposition Tree visual is powerful to give us more insight into our data for decision making. The Artificial Intelligence capabilities makes it even more unique visual

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