Rule Governing Data Import from Excel 365 & 2019 Versions To SQL Server Native Client 11.0

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we will learn how to successfully import Table from Excel workbook to SQL Server Client 11.0 In the caption below, we want to import the Data from the Sample – Superstore Excel workbook. Having created a database in our SQL Server named Excel_Sample Right-click on Excel_Sample database Select Tasks and […]

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Circular References: Identify & Fix

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we will learn what is circular reference in Excel, how to trap cells that has Circular References, how to identify cell with Circular References and fix approximately A Circular References is a formula that refers to its own cell directly or indirectly which result to an infinite loop. A workbook […]

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Power Query: Optimize Disk Space By Clearing Data Catch & Enabling Fast Load

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we will learn how to enhance disk space by managing data catch in Power Query. Each time we load data into the Power Query, Excel automatically copies and stored the query preview results on our local disk space which is handy for a quick view later. However, user can clear […]

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Calculate Difference Between Two Dates using INT DAX Function

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this blog post, we want to learn how to calculate the difference between two dates using INT DAX Function. Let’s get started INT DAX Function rounds a number to the nearest integer Syntax                                  =INT(<number>) In the caption below, we want to create a DAX Calculated Measure that will handle the difference […]

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Display Numbers in Roman Numerals

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial we will learn how write numbers in Roman Numerals. Let’s get started. ROMAN Function converts an Arabic numeral to Roman as text ROMAN Syntax                 =ROMAN(number, [form])   In the caption below, we want to display all the numbers in column A in Roman Numerals In cell B2, execute the formula: […]

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Geography Data Type In Office 365

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult. In this blog post, we want to learn how to fetch all the information for African countries using the Geography Data Type. Let’s get started Note that this feature is only available to Office 365 users and there must be internet to use the new features. Geography data type is in the Data Type group […]

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