Microsoft Excel for Professionals

Microsoft Excel for Professionals

Microsoft Excel is the world’s most widely used business intelligence program. Having a deeper practical knowledge on how to perform different operations is essential for increased efficiency and productivity. In addition, knowledge of Excel generally increase the employability portfolio and it a powerful transferable skills that is useful any in the world.

In this course, participants will learn to expertly analyze given data using built-in functions, formulas, tools, tips and tricks. Furthermore, participants will be taught how to create a visually and insightful charts and graphs for decision making.

Excel Jet Consult Excel training is designed for Data, Business, Financial Analyst, Sales, HR, Marketing, Engineering, Administration, Production and all professionals who uses the efficiency tool

In-depth Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Spreadsheet
  2. General excel tabs
  3. Quick Access Toolbar
  4. Collapse and un-collapse ribbon tabs
  5. Formula and status bars
  6. Total rows and columns count
  7. Fill Handle and flash fill
  8. Adding, Deleting Comments
  9. Selection and navigation
  10. Selecting single and multiple cells
  11. Non-contiguous selection
  12. Normal view, page layout and page break view
  13. Zoom slider
  14. How to Split spreadsheet
  15. Freeze Panes, Freeze Top Row, Freeze First Column
  16. Basic Functions: SUM, AUTOSUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, COUNT
  17. Move/Copy sheet into a new workbook
  18. Understanding relative cell reference
  19. Understanding absolute cell reference
  20. Using formulas in context: Calculating Profit Margin, Subtotal, Discount and Total
  21. Across sheets calculations
  22. Widening columns and rows
  23. Font, Number, Currency, Date Formatting
  24. Applying borders
  25. Using Format Painter tool
  26. Center Across Selection
  27. Alignment tools, Wrap Text and Orientation
  28. Applying title styles
  29. Understanding how Themes works across office suits
  30. Changing theme colors and fonts
  31. Enabling Nigerian Naira currency symbol
  32. Working with rows and columns
  33. Adding Slicer & Timelines
  34. How to clear content, format
  35. How to clean & transform data using Find and Replace
  36. Filtering and Sorting: Single and Multiple
  37. Custom Sorting
  38. Conditional formatting: Highlight cell rules, Text that contains, Top and bottom rules
  39. Conditional formatting: Data bars, Colour Scale, Icon sets
  40. Advanced Conditional Formatting
  41. Print Area, Page Breaks, Print Preview, Removing page breaks
  42. Orientation, margins and scale
  43. Headers and footers
  44. Data visualization using regular charts – Pie, Column, Line, Bar charts
  45. Pros and cons associated with Pie charts
  46. Adding new series
  47. Moving, Copying and Resizing charts
  48. Changing chart types, Layout and Styles
  49. Sharing charts to MS Word and PowerPoint
  50. Creating named ranges using Name Box, Defined Name and Create from Selection
  51. Data analysis using COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTBLANK functions
  52. Data analysis using COUNTIFS, SUMIFS & AVERAGEIFS functions
  53. Understanding how Sparklines works
  54. Advanced Charting and Forecasting
  55. Creating and working with Table
  56. Structured References
  57. Converting Table to Range and Subtotalling
  58. Data analysis using Pivot Tables & Charts
  59. Understanding the pros and cons of Pivot Tables
  60. Applying currency formatting in Pivot Table
  61. GETPIVOTTABLE function
  62. Using Subtotal, Grand Total & Layout report
  63. Changing Pivot Table Styles
  64. Pivot Table Sorting & Filtering
  65. Collapse and Expand icons
  66. Reporting filter page in Pivot Tables
  67. Displaying Pivot Table back-end data
  68. Get & Transform (Power Query)
  69. How to analyze big data in Power Pivot
  70. Introduction to VLOOKUP
  72. Excel shortcuts


Course Registration

* Kindly follow the instructions on this page to register for the course of your choice

Deposit the equilvalent amount of the course you would like to register for into the account details below. You can make Payment via ATM Transfer, Bank Deposit, USSD Transfer, Internet Mobile Banking or Online Payment Channels

  • Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank

  • Account Name: Excel Jet Consult

  • Account Number: 046179961

After making the payment, kindly fill the form below and we will contact you with the details of your training in less than 30 minutes