Welcome to Excel Jet Consult. In this tutorial, we will learn how to identify and delete blank rows in Power BI and Excel. Let’s get started
Having blanks rows in files prevent us from taking full advantage of the myriads of functionalities in Power BI and Excel. So, whenever, we have blanks rows in our data, it is pertinent to clean such data to remove the blanks rows
In the caption below, we have data that has quite a handful of blank rows and we want to remove them at once
To remove the empty rows:
In the Reduce Rows group of the Home tab, click on Remove Rows drop-down
Select Remove Blank Rows
In the caption below, we can see that all the blank rows have been removed. Then, we can use the data from further analysis
We want to replicate the same operation in Excel with the same data as seen in the caption below
To remove the empty rows:
Execute ALT + HFDSK
Click OK
Then, execute ALT + HDR
From the caption below, we can see that all the blank rows has been removed