New Functions and Features in Microsoft Office 2019 and Office 365

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. Recently, Microsoft rolled-out six new functions, one new chart, new theme in Office 2019 and 365. Undoubtedly, the new functions will simplify many difficult operations in Excel


  • IFS Function – evaluates whether one or more conditions is satisfied and delivers a value corresponding to the first TRUE condition.

IFS Syntax                          =IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, …)

  • MAXIFS Function – returns the maximum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria

MAXIFS Syntax                  =MAXIFS(max_range, criteria_rang1, criteria1, …)

  • MINIFS Function – returns the minimum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria

MINIFS Syntax                   =MINIFS(min_range, criteria_rang1, criteria1, …)

  • CONCAT Function succeed the CONCATENATE function. The function joins a list or range of text strings

CONCAT Syntax                =CONCAT(text1, …)

  • TEXTJOIN Function – concatenates a list or range of text strings using a delimiter

TEXTJOIN Syntax              =TEXJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, …)

  • SWITCH Function – evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value

SWITCH Syntax                 =SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, [default_or_value2, result2], …)


IFS Function Example

Calculate the Total Sales for each Product using IFS Function

  • In cell F4, execute the formula:

=IFS(C4=”Jeep”,D4*E4,C4=”Rolls Royce”,D4*E4,C4=”Volkswagen”,D4*E4,C4=”Honda”,D4*E4)

  • Click CTRL + Enter and copy the formula down

Task completed. No nested IF statement


MAXIFS Function Example

In cells I11:13, return the Highest Total Sales for each of the Account Manager in cells H11:H13

In cell I11, execute the formula: =MAXIFS(F4:F21,B4:B21,H11)

Click CTRL + Enter and copy the formula down

Task completed, the Highest Total Sales for David Smith is ₦1,620.00


MINIFS Function Example

In cells J11:13, return the Lowest Total Sales for each of the Account Manager in cells H11:H13

In cell J11, execute the formula: =MINIFS(F4:F21,B4:B21,H11)

Click CTRL + Enter and copy the formula down

Task completed, the Highest Total Sales for David Smith is ₦360.00


CONCAT Function Example

In cells E5 downwards, join combine the First Name, Last Name and Middle Name

In cell E5, execute the formula: =CONCAT(B5:D5)

Click CTRL + Enter and copy the formula down using fill handle

Task completed


TEXTJOIN Function Example

Join the First Name, Last Name and Middle Name using comma delimiter

In the cell E5, execute the formula: =TEXTJOIN(“,”,TRUE,B5:D5)

Click CTRL + Enter and copy the formula down

Task completed


SWITCH Function Example

Calculate the Total Sales for each Product sold by Unit and Price

In cell E3, execute the formula:

=SWITCH(B3,”Toyota”,C3*D3,”Ford”,C3*D3,”Limousine”,C3*D3,”Lexus Jeep”,C3*D3,”Rolls Royce”,C3*D3)

Click CTRL + Enter and copy the formula down

Task Completed

Funnel Chart and Black Office Theme



Posted in Blog.

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