Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we want to know about the newly added feature to Office 365 users. The name of the feature is Microsoft Search which replaces Tell me what you want to do. The Microsoft Search is available in Excel, Word and PowerPoint in Office 365 only as at the time of writing this blog post.
The feature is at the top of any of the three technologies mentioned above. See the caption for Excel below
The Microsoft Search helps users to quickly find what they are looking for. The short-cut assigned to the feature is ALT + Q.
Users can insert PivotTable, PivotChart, Freeze Panes, Record Macro, Insert Table, Insert Functions many other things. Users can choose from the Suggested Actions to quickly perform desired tasks
For practice take, we want to insert PivotTable from the Microsoft Search. In the caption below, we have a sample data
Click anywhere inside the data: Type Pivot. As soon as you typed P, the first result is Pivot Table. No need to type Pivot Table in full
Therefore, I type P and clicked on the first result which is Pivot Table.
In the Create Pivot Table dialogue box, click OK
Then we can create our PivotTable report