Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this Excel tutorial, we will how to create COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, MAXIFS and MINIFS calculation using Power Query and Worksheet Functions.
Sample Data
In the caption below, we have the Sales Data that is officially formatted as an Excel Table. fSalesData is given as the Table Name
Load to Power Query
Next, we want to load the data set into the Power Query. To do that,
- Click inside the data.
- In the Get & Transform Data group of the Data tab, click on From Table/Range
From the caption below, we can see that the dataset in now in the Power Query editor
Duplicate fSalesData Table
Next, I want to Duplicate the fSalesData table. To do that,
- Right-click on the fSalesData Query to the left of the screen
- Select Duplicate
- Then, renamed the duplicate as ResultTable
Remove Unwanted Columns
Next, we want to remove unwanted columns such as Date, Units, Price and Sales Amount. To do that,
- Right-click on the above listed columns and select Remove.
We have the unique Payment and Brand each having eight rows as we can see in the caption below
Reference fSalesData Table
Next, we want to reference the fSalesData table to be in each of the rows. To do that,
- In the Add Column tab, click on Custom Column
- Provide COUNTIFS as the column name
- In the Custom Column formula, execute the following M code: fSalesData
- Click OK. As we can see in the caption below, we have the Table in each of the cells
COUNTIFS Calculation in Power Query
We want to handle the COUNTIFS operation using the Power Query. To do that,
- In the Applied Steps located right of the screen, click on the edit icon located beside the Add Column step
- In the Custom Column formula, execute the following M code:
(MyVariable) => MyVariable[Payment]=[uPayment]
- Click OK.
From the caption below, we have the COUNTIFS solution
SUMIFS Calculation in Power Query
For the SUMIFS Calculation, follow the steps below
- In the Add Column tab, click on Custom Column
- Provide SUMIFS as the column name
- In the Custom Column formula, execute the following M code:
(MyVariable) => MyVariable[Payment]=[uPayment]
[Sales Amount]
- Click OK
AVERAGEIFS Calculation in Power Query
For the AVERAGEIFS Calculation, follow the steps below
- In the Add Column tab, click on Custom Column
- Provide AVERAGEIFS as the column name
- In the Custom Column formula, execute the following M code:
(MyVariable) => MyVariable[Payment]=[uPayment]
[Sales Amount]
- Click OK
MAXIFS Calculation in Power Query
For the MAXIFS Calculation, follow the steps below
- In the Add Column tab, click on Custom Column
- Provide MAXIFS as the column name
- In the Custom Column formula, execute the following M code:
(MyVariable) => MyVariable[Payment]=[uPayment]
[Sales Amount]
Click OK
MINIFS Calculation in Power Query
For the MINIFS Calculation, follow the steps below
- In the Add Column tab, click on Custom Column
- Provide MINIFS as the column name
- In the Custom Column formula, execute the following M code:
(MyVariable) => MyVariable[Payment]=[uPayment]
[Sales Amount]
Click OK
From the screenshot below, we have the solution for each calculations in the Power Query
Note, we have applied Currency and Whole Number Data Types to the result columns
Import to Excel Sheet
Next, we want to load to Excel sheet. However, we want want to dump the two tables (fSalesData and ResultTable queries) into the Excel sheet. Therefore, we are going to first and foremost, create connection only. To do that,
- In the Home tab, select Close & Load To
- In the Import Data wizard, check the Only Create Connection as seen below
- In the Querries and Connection task pane, right-click on the ResultTable query and Select Load To
- Next, select Table and select Existing Worksheet and the destination cell. In this case, we dumped the table in cell H1
- Click OK
From the caption below, we have the Power Query classic solution in Excel Worksheet
Finally, we want to perform the COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGE, MAXIFS and the MINIFS using the worksheet functions. To do that,
- In cell J13, execute the formula: =COUNTIFS(fSalesData[Payment],H13:H20,fSalesData[Brand],I13:I20)
- Click Enter
- In cell K13, execute the formula: =SUMIFS(fSalesData[Sales Amount],fSalesData[Payment],H13:H20,fSalesData[Brand],I13:I20)
- Click Enter
- In cell L13, execute the formula: =AVERAGEIFS(fSalesData[Sales Amount],fSalesData[Payment],H13:H20,fSalesData[Brand],I13:I20)
- Click Enter
- In cell M13, execute the formula: =MAXIFS(fSalesData[Sales Amount],fSalesData[Payment],H13:H20,fSalesData[Brand],I13:I20)
- Click Enter
- In cell N13, execute the formula: =MINIFS(fSalesData[Sales Amount],fSalesData[Payment],H13:H20,fSalesData[Brand],I13:I20)
- Click Enter
From the caption below, we can clearly see that we have EXACT result with the Power Query solution and the Worksheet functions
See you in the next tutorial
Hi David, the SUMIFS you provides works very well, but when adding 3rd argument it gives an error. My codes are limited to 2 arguments only –
Table.SelectRows(Header, (MyVar) => MyVar[InvoiceNumber2] = [InvoiceNumber2] and MyVar[ShipmentID] = [ShipmentID]) [TotalInvoiceAmount])
Do you have a solution for 3+ arguments like we can do in excel?
thx in advance for your feedback