New Workbook Statistics in Office 365

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post and Happy New Year 2020. In this post, we want to learn how to use the new Workbook Statistics made available to Office 365 users. Let’s get started The Workbook Statistics is in the Proofing group of the Review tab. The Workbook Statistics gives a summary count of cells, formulas, charts, tables, PivotTables, […]

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Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we want to learn how we can use SUMIFS/INDEX/MATCH and SUMPRODUCT differently to achieve the same result. Let’s get started In the captions below, we have HR Salary Data in Dynamic SUMPRODUCT and Dynamic SUMIFS sheet Note, we have list data validation in cells M2 (List of unique department), and […]

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Excel Office 365: Ideas

Welcome to Excel Jet Consult blog post. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the new Ideas tool in Excel available to Office 365 users. The Ideas enables users to have a deeper understanding of data through high-level visual and summaries, trends and patterns. The Ideas tool is in the Home tab as seen in the caption below […]

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